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GEH - Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance do I have to book?

As much warning as possible is appreciated, however 2-3 days is OK in quiet season or at least a week in Nov-March.

How many glasses should I allow for?

Depends on what you are serving, how long you are serving for & whether or not you have washing facilities. In general though you should allow 1-2 glasses per guest.

Do I need to wash everything?

No just rinsing the equipment is OK. (It should not be returned dirty or a fee will be incurred)

How many people can I seat around a 1.8m long trestle?

6 - 8 people

How many people can I seat around a 1.2m round table?

4 - 6 people

How many people can I seat around a 1.5m round table?

6 - 10 people

How many people can I seat around a 1.8m round table?

8 - 12 people

What distance do I need to allow between tables?

1 - 1.2m. 500mm per chair (back to back) + 200mm space for movement.

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